Bill Taylor. "Yorkville fans brave weather to fight tower."
Toronto Star 15 January 2004. Click here for full text:
Yorkville Fans
Bill Taylor. "Yorkville fans brave weather to fight tower." Toronto Star 15 January 2004. Click here for full text: Yorkville Fans |
Click below each title for full text.
John Deverell. "Condo Tower Foes Unite: Yorkville Village Charm Affected, Toronto Notables Sign Petition," Toronto Star, 11 April 2003.
Toronto Star
Diane Francis. "Lament for Our Favourite Village." The National Post, 4 October 2003; "The Threat Facing Yorkville." The National Post, 1 March 2003.
National Post
Sue-Ann Levy. "Develop This: Yorkville Residents Battle To Save Area Charm And Tourist Dollars," The Toronto Sun, 20 April 2003.
Toronto Sun
John Sewell. "Council Sells Out Yorkville," Eye Weekly, 17 April 2003.
Eye (Sewell)
Jennifer Prittie. "Board of Contention: Will a Much-Hated Planning Tribunal Become A Provincial Election Issue?" Eye Weekly, 17 April 2003.
Eye (Prittie)